
Home (OLD)

Empowering, awakening, nourishing and healing the mind, body and soul.
Creating from the Earth, with the Earth and for the Earth.


Andrea has an extraordinary facilitation style to disrupt algorithms, create miracles and to stir up the treasures in herself and inspire people, Universes and Earth to manifest a global impact. One has to be involved to evolve and empower their Self-Identity. Click here to read about her.


Alchemy is an advanced hands on (gentle touch) energetic body treatment, fully clothed, that resets the body’s frequency to its natural state of being, whilst releases blocked thoughts, feelings and emotions. Read more. 

Raw Vegan

Raw Vegan Alchemical Food Master/Medicine Woman A journey through the senses and facilitating Earth from within. Raw Vegan from The Heart.


Andrea writes poetry inspired from her life, food, walks and travels. Her book is about creating awareness, reflecting to the ‘I’ Am Being and to invite the reader to awaken to unity, freedom and to create the life they truly dreamt of. Buy here: Erase to Create: ‘I’ Just Want to Be Happy!

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If you would like to find out more get in touch. Clarity Will Empower Your Life!