
Andrea & Pono

Raw Vegan Food Master/Consultant, Lifestyle Coach, Alchemist and Author

‘I’ Am The ‘I’

I remember it was a warm autumn evening and we were watching the cars racing through our village under the stars lying in front of our house. We carved a pumpkin and put a candle in it, which was our light to see the paper where we jotted down the numbers of the speeding cars. I looked up in the sky and I saw a flickering light of an airplane far – far away and at that moment I asked, created and later on life manifested. As soon as we choose to manifest a different life the Universe conspires in the background to make it happen.

From young age my determination and will power was and is like the strongest horse you have ever seen or even bigger. I am grateful for the rocky roads and adversities as they taught me to be resilient, a true leader, transcended master and facilitator of how can I take 100% responsibility for what is going on in me and empower my life.

One day I’ve found myself on the edge of a platform ready to jump…it was a life changing moment in my life and I chose to live. And from that moment I learnt many different tools and technique, modalities to heal myself and from the plethora of tools my clients are benefiting now. My legacy and aim are to show them how can they discover, learn and manifest for themselves so they too can empower their life and create miracles.

I facilitated, trained and worked with thousands of people across the world and I am truly grateful for what they have given me. I exploring myself each day and every day is an opportunity to clear. When I create anything firstly I do my clearings then act upon inspiration from Divinity – which most of the time I don’t know – this means being in the flow.

The lifestyle and path I have chosen is one of an infinite being with infinite potential through taking 100% responsibility of my Self-Identity moment by moment. Love is the creator of Peace and all there was, is and ever will be. There is nothing outside of myself as everything is and starts from within. One of my clients said to me: “Andrea you don’t think outside of the box, but you are being the box.”

You can read about what clients say by clicking here.

I wish you, your family, relatives and ancestors Peace beyond all comprehension. Peace of I,

Clarity Will Empower Your Life.

Lifestyle Coach LCH Dip. (Degree Level)

Raw Vegan Food Master see page www.rawveganfromtheheart.com

Alchemy of the Body Advanced Energetic Body Treatment

Ho’oponopono BASIC I, BASIC II, Business, Health

Author: Erase to Create: ‘I’ Just Want to Be Happy Click HERE TO BUY NOW


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