I love chia seeds not just because they are healthy, but they are so versatile and easy to create dishes with. You can use 1/2 cup of chia seeds and mix together with plant based milk of your choice, I would say 1 and a half cup, you can judge it yourself, I don’t add sugar into mine, but you can add maple syrup, vanilla seeds, powder, extract, cinnamon , nutmeg, pinch of turmeric or even ginger whatever herb you love. Put it in the fridge overnight and the next day you chop any fruit of your choice and its ready for a lovely breakfast/dessert. You can even add freshly squeezed lemon juice before you put it in the fridge overnight or cacao nibs, seeds or nuts, loads of options. I read it is good for mind, soul and awareness and also it is a powerful seed for abundance, especially when you have a desire and if you think it is “impossible” this seed has a power to make it possible. #RawVegan #RawVeganFromTheHeart www.rawveganfromtheheart.com